Monday, February 28, 2011

The Origin Story : EECEM

The origin of this quest of "baking it up as I go" started in February 2011. A month that will forever be known to my Cedar City Family as:

Erica Ellen's Cookie Extravaganza Month

I had insane Bucket List Item to "Bake A Different Batch of Cookies Everyday For A Month".

Why yes, I am a complete idiot. WHO DOES THAT? Someone with undiagnosed bipolar ii disorder. This is what I had to say about my endeavor:

"So, much to the misfortune of my waistline, and the waistlines of my roommates and neighbors. I will be making a different batch of cookies everyday for the month of February."

And I did it. I made some yummy cookies, and a lot of less than delicious cookies. I'll probably revisit some of them, and snag better pictures… but here is my post with all the original pictures, and links to the recipe sources: SOME of these are linked to recipes here… some don't have a recipe linked because I firmly believe that NO ONE should repeat my mistakes. A lot where just the Toll-House Cookie Recipe, but I'd sub the chocolate chips for different mix-ins.

5: Italian Almond Cookies

(I subbed RPs for Rolos)

(subbed Butterscotch Chips for Chocolate Chips)
(subbed Toffee Bits & Drizzled with Melted Chocolate)
(3/4c white CCs, 1 1/4 CCs, 1c coconut)
(3/4c white CCs, 1 1/4 CCs, 1c coconut)
14: CC Pecan Toffee Cookies of Love
(failure is inevitable. so are penis cookies)

To say that I had a hell of a time is an understatement. I'm also kind of ashamed of how spectacularly I failed time and time again during this experiment- some of these cookies are fugly and others were just NOT good. But obviously not ashamed enough to not show to fruits of my labor… I'm also extra proud of myself, because it was completely crazy, and I stuck it out. My roommates and neighbors are the real MVPs; they provided excellent motivational speeches, and ate all the cookies. Event the yucky ones.

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